Sebastian Anton Scherer: Sonatae a 3 (Band I)
Due Violini et Viola da gamba vel Fagotto cum Basso continuo, Op 3 (Ulm 1680)
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S. A. Scherer (1631-1712) was born in Ulm, where he lived and worked as cathedral organist for 31 years until his death there.
There are three printed works: Musica sacra (voices with instruments), Operum musicorum secundum (keyboard) and this opus 3, Sonatae a 3, 14 trio sonatas for two violins, viola da gamba or fagotto and Basso continuo.
Conspicuous is that in the 14 trio sonatas, no concertante sections appear for any of the three melody instruments, although such solo sections in stylus fantasticus were quite popular around 1680.
Basically, two styles of writing are found in Scherer: a note-against-note style (in the slow sections) and an imitative style (in the fast sections).
ed.: Hans Bergmann First modern edition
Band I: Sonata 1 - 6, in Bflat, Bflat, F, F, a, a